Update of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Desktop license
Performance improvement on Mac and Windows when embedding fonts with custom font folder and large numbers of fonts
Switchboard Actions
Split in half: Problem solved where pages were not split properly
pdfToolbox 4.5.098
Release date: 2010-12-10
Update of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Desktop license
Support of Acrobat X Pro
Map spot colors:
Problem solved where process color page objects defined as Separation or DeviceN where separated to CMYK
Problem solved where page object defined as multi-channel DeviceN was not mapped
Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles: Problem solved where processing ended with error message
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where processing time was increased
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved under Unix where Adobe font list file was created in current working directory
Adjust or remove annotations: Problem solved where page was rotated
Problem solved where processing ended with error message when analyzing a specific PDF file
pdfToolbox Desktop
Activation: Problem solved where activation of an older pdfToolbox version was not accepted
Problem solved where error message occurred when executing color conversion fixup using ICC profile that was not installed in the operating system
Action Create EPS:
Problem solved where file size of created EPS files were very large
Problem solved where document with a created EPS file could not be printed from within InDesign
Problem solved where CID Type 2 fonts where not properly encoded when outputting PostScript Level 2
Impositioning Actions: Problem solved where negative values in token expression were not parsed correctly
pdfToolbox 4.5.093
Release date: 2010-11-03
Update of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Desktop license
Performance improved
When applying fixups, especially when converting fonts to outlines or when processing complex PDF files
When converting colors to black and white
When applying fixups or actions modifying pages (rotate, flip, scale, move content, enlarge page)
Memory handling improved
Fixup Embed missing fonts extended to specify custom font folder at runtime using variables
Fixup Adjust layers for PDF/X-4 adapted to meet the requirements of PDF/X-4:2010
Page description errors of PDF files are reported with detailed error messages
Conversion of Office documents improved: PDF files created from Excel sheets are cropped to visible page objects
Convert colors:
Problem solved where page objects had an unexpected color shift
Problem solved where DeviceN objects had color shift when converting to RGB
Problem solved where file size was increased when converting to RGB
Problem solved where Acrobat Preflight reported syntax problem after color conversion
Map colors: Problem solved where page objects with Indexed color space were not mapped
Convert registration color to black: Problem solved where vector objects (e.g. smooth shades) were not converted
Embed missing fonts:
Problem solved where wrong font style was embedded
Problem solved where fonts were not embedded or substituted
Convert fonts to outlines:
Problem solved where position of glyph changed
Problem solved where glyph was modified
Problem solved where error message appeared in Acrobat when opening converted PDF file
Subset fonts:
Problem solved where glyph was modified
Problem solved where glyph width mismatched after subsetting fonts
Fix glyph width information: Problem solved where glyph was modified
Convert TrueType to CID font: Problem solved where glyph was modified
Flatten transparency: Problem solved where text was clipped
Increase line width: Problem solved where line width was not increased properly
Downsample/Compress images: Problem solved where page object was shifted because of rounding issue with very small numbers
Remove objects outside page area:
Problem solved where page object was removed that was partly inside page area
Problem solved where processing ended with error message
Set XMP Metadata fields: Problem solved where XMP entry was not set
Set custom property: Problem solved where custom property was not set when fixup was combined with other fixups
Flip pages, Crop all pages, Stamp, Adjust or remove annotations/forms: Problem solved where page rotation factor was not properly regarded
Rotate pages, Create bleed: Problem solved where page object was clipped after rotating pages
Rotate pages: Problem solved where pattern object was not rotated
Set layer visibility: Fixup not executed when layer name contains brackets
Put objects on layers: Problem solved where processing stopped with error message because of Type 3 font
Profile: Optimize for online publishing: Problem solved where file size was increased
Convert to PDF/A: Problem solved where conversion to PDF/A failed because of missing key in font resource
Effective ink coverage: Problem solved where trigger value was not output properly
Optimize for print: Problem solved where bleed and marks were created although they were present in the PDF file (creation of bleed and marks removed from action)
Scale page format only, Scale page content only, Move content, Flip content, Crop to visible, Enlarge: Problem solved where page rotation factor was not properly regarded
Enumerate layers
Problem solved where layers with the same name were created
Problem solved where layer was created that contained no page objects
Arrange actions
Problem solved where edited pagesizes.txt containing UTF-8 BOM could no longer be used
Problem solved where PDF version number was set to 1.6 although not necessary
Slice: Problem solved where processing stopped with error message because of Type 3 font
Reports Images: Problem solved where small images were not listed
Visualizer: Problem solved where values for total area coverage were not exact
Image export: Problem solved where black bar appeared at the edge of images when page was very narrow or wide
pdfToolbox Desktop
Office conversion: Problem solved where images were downsampled
Minor improvements in the user interface
pdfToolbox Standalone
Problem solved where error message appeared when trying to overwrite an open file during save
Menu entries grayed out at the time when they are not functional
XML: Problem solved where time zone of creation and modification date was not regarded properly
PDF mask: Problem solved where description text of the mask was not positioned properly
PDF layer: Problem solved where layer was created for a check that did not hit
Problem solved where Font Descriptor Flag ForceBold was not evaluated properly
pdfToolbox 4.5.090
Release date: 2010-08-23
Update of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Desktop license
Transparency flattening is now also supported on Mac and Linux
Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9.1 integrated
New optimization of internal PDF structure during saving now creates smaller file sizes, especially with complex PDF files
Power tools
Flatten transparency: Several problems solved with Adobe PDF Library 9.1 where page objects were not handled properly
Crop all pages: Problem solved where page was not cropped properly
Effective ink coverage: Problem solved where ink coverage was not evaluated properly
Page is empty: Problem solved where check fired although page had objects
Problem solved where an area of a page was highlighted by mistake
Problem solved where color bar of legend was not correct when a high threshold was chosen
pdfToolbox 4.5.086
Release date: 2010-07-14
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Desktop license
Performance improvement especially when processing complex PDF files
Higher processing speed
Less memory consumption
Faster creation of font cache
Visualizer: Visualizes print-relevant characteristics of PDF documents (not available in Plug-In under Acrobat 8)
Organize pages: Easily move pages in PDF documents
Office document support
Documents of all file formats supported by Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 (Windows only) and OpenOffice.org 3.2 (Macintosh, Windows and Linux) can directly be converted to PDF
Supported in pdfToolbox Desktop 4, pdfToolbox Server 4, pdfToolbox CLI 4 (Linux only) and pdfToolbox SDK 4 (Macintosh, Windows and Linux)
Keep visual and semantic reproducibility by direct export from the office application
Common issues of PDF files created from Office applications are repaired
Office documents that can not be exported from Microsoft Office can be processed via OpenOffice.org
Support for page scaling factors (user units) to handle sheet sizes larger than 200 by 200 inches
PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-4p conversion extended to preserve page objects in RGB by tagging with ICC profile
PDF/A-1 conversion and validation adapted to the modified PDF/A-1 requirements as defined in the ISO Technical Corrigendum 2 for the standard
Fontsubstitution activated for Arial and Helvetica when converting to PDF/A
Image export extended
Image format TIFF (LZW) supported
JPEG quality maximum and minimum added
Color space of image can be set to RGB, CMYK (TIFF only) and Gray
RGB images are tagged with ICC profile sRGB
pdfToolbox Desktop
New action: Visualizer: Allows for visualizing print-relevant characteristics of PDF documents (not available in Plug-In under Acrobat 8)
New action: Organize pages: Allows for organizing pages of one or several PDF documents
New action: Create bleed: Bleed is created by a slight upscaling of the pages
New action: Add marks: Creates crop and bleed marks according to the page geometry boxes
New action: Office to PDF: Create print-ready PDF files from office documents
New action: Image export: Create JPEG, PNG or TIFF images of PDF documents
New action: EPS export: Create single page EPS files of PDF documents
Action Embed fonts extended to optionally substitute fonts if the required font is not available
Action Overlay extended by overlays “Draft” and “Confidential”
Transparency blend color space is always set with the proper color space after processing of the actions Process conversion, Office PDF to CMYK, Spot to process, Convert to RGB and DeviceLink conversion
Power Tools
New fixup: Remove unnecessary transparency groups
Functionality also executed when fixup Flatten transparency, Switchboard actions Process conversion, Office PDF to CMYK, Spot to process, Convert to RGB and DeviceLink conversion and Server/CLI action Convert colors are executed
New fixup: Add marks
New fixup: Create bleed
New fixup: Set page geometry boxes (page box dimensions)
New fixup: Set page scaling factor
Convert colors extended
to allow tagging of page objects with ICC profiles
to set transparency blend color space
Map colors extended
Improved support of smooth shades
Map spot colors extended
Improved support of smooth shades
Option added to specify destination color space and values
Embed missing fonts extended
Settings for font substitution improved to substitute more fonts (updater need to remove fontsubstitution.cfg in user prefs in advance)
Rotate pages extended to apply page rotation factors
Initial view extended to support magnification 100%
Relevant fixups extended by option to factor in page scaling factors (user units)
New check: Effective ink coverage
Relevant checks extended by option to factor in page scaling factors (user units)
Profiles, checks and fixups can be deleted via options menu
Several new predefined Profiles, Checks and Fixup (can be filtered with “v4.5” in search field)
pdfToolbox Standalone:
Control via keyboard extended, e.g. for scrolling pages
Revert option to undo changes and get back to original file
Status whether Switchboard is open or not is remembered until the next start of pdfToolbox
Installation software for Windows improved to better support user rights and have smaller installation package
Power tools
Convert colors:
Problem solved where processing ended with error message
Problem solved where page objects were converted when source and destination ICC profile were identical
Problem solved where black text was in all process channels when fixup was executed together with fixup Flatten transparency
Problem solved when converting to RGB where color shift in smooth shade occurred
Problem solved where processing of an already converted PDF file took longer than necessary
Problem solved were created PDF file could not be processed on specific RIP
Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles:
Problem solved were page object was not converted
Problem solved were created PDF file could not be processed on specific RIP
Convert Registration color to black: Problem solved where error message occurred
Flatten transparency: Problem solved where smooth shade was modified
Set transparency blend color space: Problem solved where blend color space in soft mask was not handled properly
Embed missing fonts:
Problem solved where font could not be embedded
Problem solved where font could not be fully embedded
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where glyph was modified
Convert TrueType fonts to CID fonts: Problem solved where processing stopped with error message
Subset fonts:
Problem solved where error message occurred
Problem solved where subsetting failed
Add missing SPACE glyph: Problem solved where glyph width was modified
Make font name unique: Problem solved where fixup failed
Set overprint and knockout: Problem solved where custom check for image masks could not be selected
Set ICC profile for Output Intent: Problem solved where error message occurred when ICC profile was used that was not in system folder for ICC profiles
Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved where page objects where removed that where partly inside page area
Scale pages: Problem solved where link annotations were not scaled
Auto-correct nesting of page geometry boxes: Problem solved where correction failed
Initial view: Problem solved where “Open to page” was not set
Set layer visibility dependent on a zoom level: Problem solved where layer name mistakenly was interpreted as regular expression
Number of colorants which are non-zero: Problem solved where number of colorants were not evaluated correctly
Page size, Size of TrimBox etc.: Problem solved when comma was used in the values
Embedded font contains all glyphs needed in PDF: Problem solved where SPACE glyph was evaluated that was present
Character references .notdef glyph: Problem solved where check fired where it should not fire
Switchboard Actions
Tone value adjustment: Problem solved where tone values of RGB and device-independent colors were not modified
Spot colors: Problem solved where spot color could not be renamed to “None”
Replace font: Problem solved where font could not be replaced
Import as layer: Problem solved where only one layer could be inserted, no second one
Optimize for internet: Fixups Flatten overprinting (and transparency) and Save as PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4) removed to create smaller file sizes
DeviceLink conversion:
PDF/X info is now removed after processing
Last settings are saved until next use of the action
Split layers: Problem solved where invalid PDF file was created
Impose: Problem solved where overprint status was changed after processing
Split in half: Problem solved where pages were not split properly
Workspace: Problem solved where executing of a profile with variables caused error message
pdfToolbox Standalone: Problem solved on Mac where progress bar did not show progress
Problem solved in layer report where no layer was created when checking for missing glyphs
pdfToolbox 4.4.070
Release date: 2010-04-01
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox license
Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9
Power tools
Convert colors:
Problem solved where conversion of JBIG2 image caused error message
Problem solved where tone values of smooth shade defined in Separation or DeviceN where too low
Problem solved where image mask with pattern object remained colored after conversion to grayscale
Problem solved where file size increased when converting smooth shades
Conversion to RGB:
Problem solved where page objects remained CMYK when converting to RGB
Problem solved where smooth shade defined in process colors as Separation and DeviceN where not converted to RGB
Problem solved where file size increased during RGB conversion
Map colors: Problem solved where error message occurred
Flatten transparency: Problem solved where glyphs and page objects where modified
Flip/Rotate/Scale pages: Problem solved where pattern object was modified
Set media box to origin: Problem solved where smooth shade object was clipped
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where glyphs were modified
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where creating of font cache took long time
Set Overprint and Knockout: Problem solved where OPM was not set for DeviceCMYK page object
Flip, Move content, Passe partout, Rotate, Scale by percent, Scale page content, Scale to format: Problem solved where pattern object was modified
Problem solved where automatic activation failed when sending activation information from certain E-Mail clients
Problem solved where activation info was not displayed after activating
Problem solved where activation could not be made for all users of a computer
Problem solved where activation got invalid after changing network device
Problem solved where listing of runlists caused problem when no user folder was present
pdfToolbox Desktop
Problem solved under Windows where language of user interface did not match to language of operating system
Problem solved where user preferences could not be saved on an AFP file server
pdfToolbox Standalone
Some problems in user interface and loupe solved
pdfToolbox 4.4.064
Release date: 2009-12-22
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox license
Performance improvements when executing fixups, up to 600% faster
Processing of malformed PDF files improved by saving them completely by Adobe PDF Library prior further processing
Impositioning features
Variables used in Runlist can be defined via the ”–setvariable” parameter
Color definition of crop marks and placed text can be specified
Transparency flattening
Transparency flattening is only performed on pages containing live transparency
pdfToolbox Standalone: kfpx profiles can be imported via Drag&Drop on pdfToolbox
pdfToolbox Desktop: Reference manual can be accessed via menu entry
Power tools
Transparency flattening
Problem solved where ICC source profiles created by the flattening did not get removed
Problem solved where transparency flattening was not executed when tranparent object was outside page area
Problem solved where automatic activation failed when sending activation information from certain E-Mail clients
Problem solved under Windows 7 where error message occured when no standard E-Mail client was set up
Problem solved on Mac where umlauts in placed text where not output properly
Problem solved where imposition configurations where not visible after updating pdfToolbox from version 4.3
pdfToolbox Desktop
Several problems of Loupe window solved
pdfToolbox 4.4.060
Release date: 2009-11-26
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox license
Performance improvements on Windows, up to 350% faster
Widely enhanced imposition features
Custom definition of imposition sheet sizes in actions Booklet, N-Up, Step & Repeat and Reader Spreads
More control in the Impose action with an easy-to-use micro-wizard
Placement of cut marks and bleed improved
Creation of creep improved
Transparency flattening
New in Windows Desktop, Server, SDK and Linux CLI, SDK
Based on Adobe PDF Library 9 and additionally highly improved file optimization like improved preservation of image quality
Full support for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Full support for Windows 7
Use of most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9
Improved software licensing
New pre-installed color conversion profiles for:
PSO LWC Improved (ECI)
PSO Uncoated ISO12647 (ECI)
DeviceLink Add-on extended by the following profiles:
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset, LWC improved to Japan
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset, LWC improved to US (SWOP)
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset, US (SWOP) to LWC improved
Convert using DeviceLink Sheetfed offset to Web offset on improved LWC paper
Convert using DeviceLink Sheetfed offset, coated to uncoated paper (PSO)
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset (LWC improved) to Newspaper (IFRA)
Convert using DeviceLink Sheetfed offset, uncoated, reduce to 280% ink limit (PSO) (Server/CLI only)
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset, reduce to 300% ink limit (PSO) (Server/CLI only)
Convert using DeviceLink Web offset, reduce to 300% ink limit with GCR (PSO) (Server/CLI only)
Power Tools
Embed missing fonts: Pre-installed setting “Arial and Helvetica” for font substitution extended to support styles bold, italic, bold italic, narrow, narrow bold and narrow bold italic
New Properties to check for types of smooth shading
New Property to check whether orientation and size is equal for all pages with settings for tolerance and page box
Wizard check “Page size or page orientation is different from page to page” uses a tolerance of 2 pt
Loupe window in pdfToolbox Standalone
Chinese language version extended
Registration for international and chinese version can be combined on one machine
Reports improved
Icons added to PDF overview page
PDF comments report: added name of check to content of comment
PDF comment and layer report: Annotations and layer masks are sorted by severity
Power tools
Convert colors
Problem solved where processing ended with error message
Problem solved where page object was shifted after processing
Problem solved where page objects were not converted when fixup “Convert RGB colors using Quick Conversion (Office-RGB)” was contained in pdfToolbox profile
Problem solved where inline images were not converted
Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles
Problem solved where processing ended with error message
Map colors: Problem solved where objects were not mapped to destination color
Set Overprint and Knockout: Problem solved where OPM was not set for DeviceCMYK object
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where PDF could not be printed or EPS creation failed after processing
Convert fonts to outlines
Problem solved where fonts were not converted to outlines although conversion was possible
Problem solved where error message was displayed after processing
Problem solved where appearance of glyph changed after processing
Subset fonts:
Problem solved where glyphs of special characters where modified
Problem solved where EPS creation failed after processing
Fix glyph width information: Problem solved where EPS creation failed after processing
Add missing space glyph: Problem solved where EPS creation failed after processing
Convert TrueType fonts to CID fonts: Problem solved where error message was displayed after processing
Convert to PDF standard: names of Output Condition Identifier and Output Condition not properly written to embedded Output Intent
Convert to PDF/E: Problem solved under Unix where conversion ended with error message
Downsample/Compress images: Problem solved where appearance of JPEG 2000 image was modified
Increase line width: Problem solved where page object was modified that should not be modified
Adjust or remove annotations: Problem solved where annotations were not modified as requested
Problem solved where analysis ended with error message because of a certain type of pattern object
Switchboard Actions
Correct 4c Black: Problem solved where pixel in images were modified
Split layers: Problem solved where error message was displayed after processing
Import as layer: Problem solved in Standalone where error message occurred when open file was imported as layer in itself
Split in half: Problem solved where page was not properly split
Problem solved where PDF was not rendered when page boxes are malformed
pdfToolbox 4.3.050
Release date: 2009-10-14
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox licence
Performance improvements especially for:
Downsampling of images (up to 70% faster)
Color conversion (up to 50% faster)
Processing of kfpx profiles containing only fixups and no checks (up to 90% faster)
Execution of Actions in the desktop flavours (where possible the conversion is made on the open document and no Save as dialog is displayed)
Power Tools
PDF/A conversion: Extension schema for xmpMM:InstanceID is embedded
Downsample/compress images: Supported image formats for JPEG recompression extended (Color spaces Device, ICC and Cal are supported; DeviceN, Indexed, Lab, Pattern are not supported)
Power tools
Convert colors
Problem solved where spot color objects where not converted to CMYK
Problem solved where page objects where not converted to RGB
Problem solved where page objects using Default Color Space where not decalibrated
Problem solved where error occured during processing
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where font was not embedded although embedding was possible
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where error message occured with a PDF file during processing
Subset fonts: Problem solved where error occured with a PDF file during processing
Fix glyph width information: Problem solved where visual appearance changed
Make font name unique: Problem solved where glyph was not displayed at the right position
Make spot color appearance consistent: Problem solved where some page objects where not converted in a PDF file
Downsample/compress images:
Problem solved where image changed visual appearance
Problem solved where error occurred during processing of a bitmap image
Crop all pages: Problem solved where page object was clipped
Increase line width: Problem solved where line was increased to higher line width than specified in the fixup
Discard hidden layer content and flatten visible layers: Problem solved where page objects of hidden layer became visible after flattening
Set transparency blend color space: Problem solved where error occurred during processing
PDF/A conversion: Problem solved where error occurred during processing
Problem solved where transparent FormXObject was not found with respective check
Problem solved where number of plates was not properly evaluated for a PDF file
Problem solved where glyph width mismatch was reported although glyph width was consistent
Switchboard Actions
Booklet: Cut marks are also set for pages if they are added dynamically by pdfToolbox to fill the sheet
Optimize for internet: Fonts are no longer converted to outlines
Plug-In and Standalone
Problem solved where processing was not applied to currently active document
Problem solved under Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard where some predefined color conversion fixups using preinstalled ICC profiles could not be executed
Problem solved where dialog for custom color conversion settings of Switchboard Action Process conversion was not handled properly
pdfToolbox 4.3.044
Release date: 2009-07-23
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox Desktop licence
First release of Chinese language version of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop (separate installation package)
New fixups in Standalone that were only available in Plug-In version before:
Apply ZIP compression to uncompressed object streams
Discard embedded thumbnails
Discard private data of other applications
Optimize PDF for fast web view
Fixups Embed missing fonts and Convert fonts to outlines now list respective font name in results dialog
Power tools
Re-activated fixups Knockout white vector and/or text objects, Overprint black and Set Overprint Mode to 1 to be used with profiles created with pdfToolbox 4.2 and before, Note: It is not recommended to combine them with the new fixup Set Overprint and Knockout
Convert colors: Problem solved where OPM was not set to 0 when overprinting DeviceGray was converted to DeviceCMYK
Set transparency blend color space: Problem solved where transparency blend color space was not set to RGB ICC profile
Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved where object was removed that was lying partly inside page area
Convert SMask to image mask: Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Fix glyph width info: Problem solved where glyph width was not fixed
Switchboard Actions
Fonts - Replace fonts: Problem solved where glyph width was not adapted when replacing font fully
Pages - Scale by percent: Problem solved where execution of action did not have any effect
Problem solved where in PDF comments report color of comments did not match their severity
Problem solved where error message was displayed when opening Profiles dialog
Problem solved where encrypted PDF files, annotations and form fields were not displayed
Problem solved where black and white image was displayed with inverted color
Problem solved where page number, Standards button or icon for modified file was not displayed reliably
Problem solved where active document could not be changed when Profiles, Checks or Fixups dialog was open
pdftoolbox 4.3.041
Release date: 2009-06-25
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfToolbox 4 Plug-In licence
First release of pdfToolbox 4 Standalone version for Mac and Windows as part of pdfToolbox 4 Desktop version
Set Rendering mode for text added
Convert TrueType fonts to CID fonts added (integrated in PDF/A conversion)
Reduce structure to predefined types added (integrated in PDF/A conversion)
Insert missing Type entry in StructElem objects added (integrated in PDF/A conversion)
Prepare encoding entry in TrueType fonts for PDF/A added (integrated in PDF/A conversion)
Set Overprint and Knockout added
Convert colors extended to set overprint and knockout of converted colors
Map spot colors extended to specify spot color names via regular expressions
Option added to combine properties in checks using “or”
Date string uses Unicode added
Entry in array missing or invalid added
Entry in dictionary missing or incorrect added
Reference to non-existing object added
Switchboard Actions
Layer - Split layers: to create single PDF files of each layer view or layer of a PDF
Arrange - Sandwich: option added to define placement
Fonts - Replace font: extended to also fully embed replaced fonts, e.g. for fonts used in forms
Present - Light table: white background added
Get in touch - Video tutorials: showing short demonstrations of the most interesting features
Improved file handling, working on current document with most actions instead of saving as a new files
New and adapted predefined profiles and fixups in the Power tools, their name contains v4.3, amongst others these are:
PDFX-ready profiles added
Fixups of GWG profiles extended
PDF/X compliance
Convert to PDF/X-4 and create language layer views (ISO Coated v2 (ECI))
Convert colors
Convert using DeviceLink Sheetfed offset, reduce to 300% ink limit, only if above 305% (Europe)
Map color with specified color values (color values can be set at run time)
Map spot color with specified name and color values (color values can be set at run time)
Convert to grayscale extended to also convert registration color to gray
PDF fixups
Make OCR text visible
PDF analysis
List potential font problems extended by another 12 font releated checks
New Output Intents preinstalled
PSO LWC Improved (ECI)
PSO Uncoated ISO12647 (ECI)
Plug-In user interface slightly optimized
Toolbar icon for Profiles dialog
Plug-In menu entries extended
Power Tools removed from Switchboard
Reports: Information about fixups and layers are listed in XML report
Power tools
Convert colors
Problem solved where Acrobat error message was displayed after conversion
Problem solved where spot color was not converted to CMYK
Problem solved where file size increased when converting to sRGB and embedding destination profile as source profile
Problem solved where ICC based RGB object could not be decalibrated
Problem solved where smooth shade was not as detailed as in original
Problem solved where parameters to set compression method and JPEG quality of images did not have an effect
OPM is now set to 0 when converting DeviceGray to DeviceCMYK
Map colors: Problem solved where Apply to option had no effect
Map spot colors: Problem solved where only first defined color had been mapped if more than one was specified
Convert to PDF/X
Problem solved where page boxes could not be nested properly
Problem solved where object data compression could not be removed
Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved where object was removed that was lying partly inside page area
Embed missing fonts: several issues fixed where font was not embedded although embedding was possible
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where outline of a glyph was not placed at the right position
Subset fonts: Problem solved where Acrobat error message was displayed after subsetting
Problem solved where annotation of type Redaction had not been found
Problem solved where contents stream of a PDF could not be analyzed
Problem solved where property “Belongs to a layer” did not find respective objects
Predefined check “Black text knocks out and is smaller than 12 pt” adapted
Switchboard Actions
Present - Passe partout: Problem solved where Acrobat 9 syntax check reported problem when analyzing converted file
Colors - Process conversion
Problem solved where error message was displayed when “Prepress (current file has PDF/X Output Intent)” had been chosen
Problem solved where error message was displayed when converting a specific file
Colors - Office PDF to CMYK: Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Explore fonts: Problem solved where glyphs in preview where not filled
pdfToolbox 4.2.032
Release date: 2009-05-28
Convert colors: Alternate color values of Process colors defined as Separation or DeviceN, Separation All (Registration color) and Separation None are reset to default values
Embed missing fonts: Included Adobe font folders when system folder option is activated
Set Creation date entry: new fixup which allows an improved handling of invalid creation dates
Set Modification date entry: new fixup which allows an improved handling of invalid modification dates
Colors - Correct 4c Black: Optimized to convert a wider range of separated black
Improved handling of invalid creation and modification dates during PDF/X conversion
DeviceLink Add-on: Profiles updated for better conversion results
Power tools
Convert colors:
Problem solved where spot color entries remained in PDF after converting spot color objects to destination
Process colors defined as Separation or DeviceN are treated as uncalibrated CMYK
Problem solved where page objects remained colored after conversion to grayscale
Problem solved where spot color with 0% was not converted to CMYK
Problem solved where number of channels in Output Intent was not set properly
Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Problem solved where certain gray profiles in system folder were not listed as destination profile
Map colors: Problem solved where change of color was not visible in Acrobat unless PDF was reopened
Subset fonts: Problem solved where error message occurred after subsetting
Page geometry:
Problem solved where pages where not scaled to defined size
Problem solved where error message was displayed
Problem solved where flip and rotate fixups in one profile did not deliver expected result
Fix glyph width: Problem solved where glyph width was not fixed for all occurrences
Remove objects outside box: Problem solved where page object lying partly inside page box was removed
Crop pages to bounding box: Problem solved where invisible page objects were not cropped
Set layer default ON/OFF: Problem solved where RegEx was not applied
Convert NChannel to DeviceN: Problem solved where NChannel remained in PDF after processing
Option Omit ICC profile for standards conversion improved to omit the ICC profile in more cases
Problem solved where performance of analysis of PostScript in PDF was low
Layers - Enumerate layers: Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Layers - Import as layer: Problem solved where PDF was not scaled properly after import
Reports - Browse metadata: Problem solved where preview of image was rotated
Fonts - Replace font: Problem solved where not all system fonts were displayed in list of fonts
Save as image:
Problem solved where image was rotated
Problem solved where image resolution of PNG files was not set properly
Problem solved in XML report where details for problems were only listed for the first 30 hits
DeviceLink Add-on: Problem solved where total area coverage was not reduced to 260% for ISO newspaper 26v4 ink reduction profile
pdfToolbox 4.2.026
Release date: 2009-03-20
New fixup “Insert missing Type entry in StructElem objects” (necessary for PDF/A-1a)
Fixup “Scale pages” extended to work independent from the page orientation
Fixup “Discard all actions that are not compliant with PDF/A-1” extended to remove actions from form fields
Transparency checks more detailed when using wizard checks for PDF version and transparency
Power tools
Convert fonts to outlines:
Problem solved where specific font was not converted to outlines
Problem solved where error message appeared after processing a specific PDF
Convert colors:
Problem solved where image with SMask having Matte value was not handled properly
Problem solved where conversion for objects was marked as failed when converting to RGB
Problem solved where conversion failed because of an invalid tag in an ICC profile
Problem solved where overprinting has behavior changed during the conversion with a specific PDF
Problem solved where image with decode array was not handled properly
Problem solved where DeviceN alternate of spot color was not converted to CMYK
Problem solved where Separation Black and DeviceN Black was separated to 4 colors after the conversion
Problem solved where tone values of Separation Black, DeviceN Black, DeviceGray and DeviceCMYK had slight differences after the conversion
Problem solved where conversion lead to crash with specific PDF
Layer handling: Problem solved where layer fixups could not be combined to create, make invisible and flatten layers in one profile
Downsample/compress images:
Problem solved where image with SMask having Matte value was not handled properly
Problem solved where Indexed CMYK image was modified after recompressing to JPEG
Problem solved where properties “Font name in embedded font” and “Font name in PDF matches font name in embedded font” showed an error message when processing a specific PDF
Colors - Convert to B/W: Problem solved where page objects became darker or lighter tone values than expected
Layers - Browse layers: Problem solved where created layers were not PDF/X-4 compliant
Layers - Import as layer: Problem solved where file was rotated after importing
Reports - Browse metadata: Problem solved where preview of image where not displayed
Mask report:
Problem solved where Warnings and Infos were displayed in color of errors (red) when viewing layer “All problems”
pdfToolbox 4.2.020
Release date: 2009-02-27
New layer features
Layer browser for exploring and modifying Layer views and Layers
Fixup for server based handling of Layer views (Fixup Apply OCCD setup)
Fixup extended to have full RegEx support when creating Layer views (Fixup Configure OCCD)
New option for adjusting profiles dynamically at run time
New Actions in the Switchboard
Browse layer (also available via Acrobat menu File - Layer)
New Fixups
Font handling
Subset fonts
Make font name unique
Fix glyph width information
Fix font encoding (CIDToGIDMap)
Insert CMap for CID fonts
Add missing SPACE glyphs
Embed missing fonts extended to substitute fonts that are not available
Color handling
Map colors
Map spot colors
Normalize spot color appearance
Remove Rendering Intents
Page handling
Rotate pages
Flip pages
Set media box to origin
PDF/A related fixups
Change Launch Action into GoToR Action
Convert SMask to image mask
Remove XMP Metadata if not compliant with PDF/A
Further Fixups
Recompress images
Increase line width of multicolored lines
Apply OCCD setup (created by Layer browser)
New Checks
Checks for analyzing the embedding flags of TrueType fonts
New and adapted predefined profiles and fixups in the Power tools, their name contains “v4.2”, amongst others these are:
New GWG profiles in the Prepress group
Sheetfed offset (CMYK, high res.)
Sheetfed offset (CMYK and spot colors, high res.)
Dynamic profiles, checks and fixups
List relevant printing aspects
List all color and grayscale images below specified resolution
Downsample image resolution to specified value
List spot color with specified name
List font with specified name
Ink coverage is above specified value
Font analysis and correction
List potential font problems
Fix potential font problems
Color conversion
Fixup for conversion PDFs from Office applications: Convert to CMYK, Office conversion (ISO Coated v2 (ECI))
All color conversion profiles and fixups adapted
Spot color handling
Make Pantone spot color names consistent
Make HKS spot color names consistent
Make custom spot color names consistent
Normalize spot color names
Merge spot color name if appearance is identical
Make spot color appearance consistent
PDF/A conversion
Prepare annotations for PDF/A-1
Prepare forms for PDF/A-1
Discard all actions that are not compliant with PDF/A-1
These and further fixups added to convert more PDF files to PDF/A
Option to add Profiles, Checks and Fixups to the Workspace of the Switchboard
Sample files added to plug-in to easily get to know pdfToolbox
Improved visualization in the Metadata browser
File format of profiles changed to kfpx
New Output Intents preinstalled
PSO Coated NP (ECI)
PSO Coated 300% NP (ECI)
PSO Uncoated NP (ECI)
PSO Standard News print SNP (ECI)
PSO Super Calandered SC (ECI)
PSO Machine Finished Coating MFC (ECI)
Spanish and Italian language support added
Power tools
Convert colors
Problem solved where DeviceLink conversion was not applied properly on inline image
Problem solved where conversion of objects failed and fixup was marked as failed
Problem solved where Smooth Shade object was set to overprint after the conversion
Problem solved where images with more than one filter where not converted properly
Problem solved where conversion of alternate color space lead to error message
Problem solved where custom color conversion policy was not properly exported to profile
Convert NChannel to DeviceN: Problem solved where conversion was not performed
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where font was not embedded although embedding was possible
Convert fonts to outlines
Fonts are now removed after conversion to outlines
Problem solved where letter on page was not handled properly
Set page geometry boxes: Problem solved where rotated flag was ignored when setting page boxes
Scale pages: Problem solved where page size was not displayed properly by Acrobat after conversion
Crop all pages to bounding box: Problem solved where parts of page objects were cropped
Increase lines width: Problem solved where lines were not increased
Apply or remove transfer curves: Problem solved where tone values where not correct after applying transfer curve
Downsample/compress images: Problem solved where indexed CMYK image was not downsampled
Recompress LZW with ZIP: Problem solved where fixup did not convert
Discard all alternate images: Problem solved where error message occurred after processing
Problem solved where Font was marked as not valid although it was valid
Problem solved where check “Spot color is used” did not find spot colors that are defined in the PDF but not used
Problem solved where image resolution check combined with OPI check did not deliver hits
Problem solved where name of check TrapNet annotation error did not appear in plug-in results dialog
Problem solved where ICC profiles of transparency blend color space did not show up in Overview
Fonts - Subset fonts: Problem solved where error message occurred after processing
Present - Passe partout: Problem solved where objects (DeviceGray) where not displayed properly after conversion
Mask: Problem solved where report did not contain all page objects of the original PDF file
Inventory: Problem solved where reports could not be created with option Colors
XML: Order of entries is no longer changing
Problem solved where plug-in registration was not displayed when opening About dialog via Acrobat Help menu without starting the plug-in before
pdftoolbox 4.1.018
Release date: 2009-01-13
Present - Passe partout problem solved where device dependent gray objects were not handled properly
Power tools
Problem solved where font mistakenly was regarded as invalid font
pdfToolbox 4.1.017
Release date: 2008-12-19
Colors - DeviceLink conversion: Problem solved where page objects did not comply with PDF specification after DeviceLink conversion
Power tools
Problem solved where lines where not handled properly when increasing hairlines
Problem solved where error message appeared after downsampling an image
Problem solved where fixup “Crop all pages” caused an error when cropping an empty page
Problem solved where combination of fixups “Set page geometry boxes” and “Scale pages” did not create expected result
pdfToolbox 4.1.013
Release date: 2008-11-24
Colors - DeviceLink conversion: DeviceLink profiles of Add-on updated: when converting pure Black defined in CMYK the dot gain had not been compensated properly
Layers - Remove layer: Problem solved where visibility of layers could not be changed after removing layers
Font - Replace fonts: Problem solved where font names on Mac were not properly listed
Power tools
Problem solved where invisible layers became visible during flattening
Problem solved where downsampling of bitmap image did not work properly with a PDF
Problem solved where fixup Stamp page did not work
Problem solved where PDF with OPI comments could not be processed
Modifications of layers and OCCDs are directly visible after processing without reopening the PDF
Color conversion
RGB conversion improved: Advanced color conversion policy file RGB added
Problem solved where gray image in a PDF became lighter than expected after color conversion
Problem solved where custom DeviceLink profiles were not properly exported to kfp file for execution with CLI
Font check of PDF/A compliancy profile updated to hit only if text is in render mode 3
Problem solved where font metadata was not respected properly when checking for PDF/A-1 compliancy
Layer “All problems” of PDF mask report also contains all comments
Problem solved where no XML report was created for a PDF
User Interface
Problem solved on Mac where Find field could not be used
Duplicate fixup for font embedding removed
Several minor improvements of the user interface
pdfToolbox 4.1.010
Release date: 2008-10-24
Enhanced metadata support to explore and export XMP metadata information
Full compliancy with the latest specifications of the Ghent PDF Workgroup
Full support of Isartor test suite for PDF/A
Improved PDF mask, PDF comments and XML reports
New Actions in the Switchboard
Browse metadata - to explore and export XMP metadata information
Correct rich black - Restore accidentally separated Black
Registration Color - Converts Registration color into Black
Enhanced DeviceLink - Import option for custom DeviceLink profiles
New Fixups in the Power tools
Font handling
Embed missing fonts
Convert fonts to Outline
Fix CID set in subset fonts (required for PDF/A)
Fix Char set in subset fonts (required for PDF/A)
Spot color handling and correction
Make custom spot color names consistent
Make HKS spot color names consistent
Make Pantone spot color names consistent
Make spot color appearance consistent
Merge spot color name if appearance is identical
Normalize spot color names
Color conversion
Convert colors using DeviceLink profiles
Convert RGB colors to CMYK with special support for colors created in office applications
Enhanced fixup “Configure OCCD” - important for PDF/X-4 conversion
Latest ICC profiles and Output Intents of ECI, GRACoL and IFRA preinstalled
Colors - Remove ICC profiles: Problem solved where ICC profiles could not be removed
Fonts - Subset fonts: Several fixes where single glyphs were not handled properly
Power tools
Problem solved where check “Smallest distance inside from TrimBox border” was not working properly
Issue fixed where check “Font not valid” caused mistakenly a hit
Several issues fixed where hairlines were not properly reported
Problem solved where spot colors could not be created or imported in the spot color library
Layer report only contains relevant pages when analysis was limited to page range
pdfToolbox 4.0.005
Release date: 2008-08-14
French documentation added
GWG single actions in group Standards and Prepress profiles in the Power tools no longer cause an error message under Acrobat 8 if ICC profile Coated FOGRA 39 is not installed on the system
Output Intents list is no longer empty if pdfToolbox 4 Preferences are opened before Power tools are started once
Long names in popup entries under Windows are no longer cropped
Arrange - Sandwich: Issue solved where pages were not exactly placed on top of each other
Arrange - Impose: Imposed pages were not placed properly with imposition sheet “US Legal, 8 business cards”
Arrange - Duplicate pages: Pages are no longer rotated if page had certain constellation of page rotation
Present - Presentation: Thermometer was not displayed if page had certain constellation of page rotation
Prepress - Output Intent: RGB Output Intents are now available for embedding
Prepress - Extract ICC profiles: Problem solved where special characters in internal ICC profile name caused empty ICC profile file under Windows
Fonts - Subset font, Replace font, Font to outlines: Several minor fixes
Colors - Spot colors: Error message no longer appears when opening a certain PDF
Images - Recompress: Problem solved where JPEG2000 image could not be recompressed
Power tools
XML reports are now properly created
Wizard check for number of pages did not deliver correct result if less or greater than was chosen
Embedded Output Intent is respected if respective option is activated in PDF/X conversion setup dialog
Demo version watermarks are no longer placed on layer reports when product is licensed
Switchboard icon brings Switchboard in front of Power tools dialog
pdfToolbox 4.0.004
Release date: 2008-07-14
First Release version of callas pdfToolbox 4 plug-in for Mac and Windows
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